
Your Guide

If your dream is to discover the beauty and mystery of the Amazon rain forest, then who better to introduce you to it than native indians for whom the jungle has always been home.

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Dear explorer,

My official name is Rosiney Lima Maia, but all my friends calls me Ney. I was born in Manaus on the 6th of June in 1985 and I was raised inside the jungle in a small village. There I have learned how to walk and hike and camp in the jungle. My family has also taught me how to hunt and fish to gather food. 

I have started as a jungle guide to show tourists the way to the jungle in 2000. In the meanwhile I have learnt english, so I can tell you all the jungle stories of the Amazon. My specialty is the Northern part of Manaus, because that is where I know my way around best.  

So if you want to go on an adventure with me, just contact me or book one of the tours that NEY Eco Adventures offers.

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